Skeet Machine Instructions
Plug the skeet machine into the wall outlet. Flip the toggle switch to ON. Do nothing else!
You will not hear the machine running, this is normal.
After the toggle switch is in the ON position in both houses, plug in the control cord in at the center stake.
Push the doubles button.
The machines will run and cock.
They are ready to throw targets.
Shut down the machines by pushing the toggle switch down to the de-cock position and releasing the toggle quickly.
Caution: the trap will throw a target to de-cock, be sure you are clear of the trap and that no one is near the skeet house window.
The switch is spring loaded, it will return to the center OFF position.
Do not hold the switch; release it in one second or less.
Unplug the machine from the wall outlet.
Please Remember: Holding the toggle switch in one position for more than two seconds, or rapidly and repeatedly cycling the switch through the switch positions can damage internal electrical components.
Any unauthorized individuals observed attempting to service, repair, adjust or tamper with the traps in any way will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors.