FR&GC will host a weekly Thursday Night 70% handicap trap league beginning in Fall 2020.
Event: 16 Yard Singles.
When: Begin on September 10, 2020.
League Length: 10-12 weeks - based on final number of teams.
Shooting Times: Team rotations begin at 6:30 PM. Final weekly shooting schedule will be released prior to Week 1 of the league.
Teams: Five shooters per team. Each team will have a Team Captain.
Targets: 50 targets weekly.
Absences: Substitute shooters or individual Banked Scores can be used.
Safety: TNT League and FR&GC Range Safety Rules will apply and be provided to all league shooters prior to Week 1 of the league.
Eligibility: Anyone 18 years of age or older. FR&GC membership is not required.
League Fee: TBD - based on final league length. League fee will pay for all league targets, end of league awards and end of league banquet.
ATA Big 50 Program: Available to league shooters with current ATA membership. ATA Big 50 daily fees are in addition to published league fees.
Practice Period (Optional): 1-hour league practice period available from 5:30-6:30 PM on scheduled league nights.
League Practice Fee: $3.00 per 25 targets.
Guns and Ammunition: League shooters provide their own guns and ammunition. Any 12-gauge shotgun, or smaller gauge shotgun may be used during the league. Shot size larger than 7.5 is not permitted.
For more information contact: Gary Weidenbach,